Jacquie Oliwa
My work: My work is to help find solutions to challenges in the health system to ensure quality of care.
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Why is it that in a marriage a man should be older than the womanLatest Comment:
what is omega 3 (1 comments) -
Henry Karanja
My work: I am investigating whether germs known to cause small heads in unborn babies are found in Kilifi and its environs.
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can you please explain to me why a paratrooper flexes his legs when he landsLatest Comment:
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Esther Muthumbi
My work: We have a love-hate relationship
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Why does the polythene paper indestructable to rotting?Latest Comment:
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David Walumbe
My work: I am seeking ways of improving services and care provided for drug and alcohol addicts
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What can I do to become a pilot and which college teaches people to how to fly an aeroplaneLatest Comment:
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Byron Bitanihirwe
My work: Problem solving research with a focus to alleviate the suffering of disadvantaged people around the world.
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Why a lobster blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue?Latest Comment:
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