• Question: between girls and boys who stops wetting their beds first and why

    Asked by Nish to Esther on 11 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Esther Muthumbi

      Esther Muthumbi answered on 11 Jul 2017:

      Bedwetting among children can be due to a number of reasons including bladder problems, neurological problems, social adjustments, emotional problems and for many people unusually deep sleep. Usually a fully stretched bladder sends signals to the brain for action, either to tighten the bladder sphincters or to urinate. If the signal is not recognised by the subconscious reflex system, the person relaxes the sphincters instead of tightening, ending up in bed wetting. Are there sex differences in this response? Many studies have shown that there are no sex differences. Some researchers however have reported that bedwetting is more common in males when younger (because girls mature faster), but as age progresses, the boys catch up, then this reverses later in life such that in adolescents, bedwetting is more common in girls!
