• Question: Hi David, whats the difference between ARVs and the AIDs vaccine yet t be used?

    Asked by 876ylwj1727 to David, Byron, Esther, Henry, Jacquie on 6 Jul 2017. This question was also asked by 398ylwj1723.
    • Photo: David Walumbe

      David Walumbe answered on 6 Jul 2017:

      ARVs (Antiretroviral drugs) are used in the management of HIV/AIDS in attempt to control the infection. A vaccine is a product that improves the body’s resistance to a particular disease, in this case, HIV. The vaccine will stimulate the body’s immune or defense system to recognize the HIV virus as foreign, then destroy it then remember it in later encounters. The vaccine is administered to someone who is HIV free to prevent him/her from getting infected while ARVs are meant for an already infected person to help control the infection. It is also good to know that, at times, HIV medicines can be administered to lower chances of getting infected or stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout the body.
