• Question: how can highblood preasure be controled

    Asked by javisflo to Jacquie, Esther, David, Byron on 12 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: David Walumbe

      David Walumbe answered on 12 Jul 2017:

      High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition which if not controlled can lead to complications in the body. There are medications that can be used to lower the blood pressure in severe cases but the best mode of control is by living healthy. Lifestyle changes that can help lower or regulate blood pressure include; maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, reducing salt/sodium intake, limiting the amount of alcohol intake and managing stress.

    • Photo: Byron Bitanihirwe

      Byron Bitanihirwe answered on 12 Jul 2017:

      One can reduce high blood pressure by the following: regular physical activity, keeping to a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, cut down on salt intake, not consuming too much alcohol and taking prescribed medicine.
