• Question: why do some people brush there teeth yet bad smell come out of their mouth while they speak?

    Asked by 374ylwj1723 to Byron, David, Esther, Henry, Jacquie on 11 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Henry Karanja

      Henry Karanja answered on 11 Jul 2017:

      I believe there is no one answer to this but what I think the most common cause for this is improper cleaning of the teeth. The normal toothbrush do not remove food particles trapped between the teeth which later discompose due to presence of bacteria in the mouth causing the foul smell even after brushing. Ideally after brushing, it will be helpful to used a dental floss which is able to access the teeth gaps and remove the food particles. The other cause might be due to gum infection and this will need someone visiting a dentist for further check.
