• Question: Why do pregnant women have bad moods sometimes?

    Asked by Belly to Byron, David, Esther, Henry, Jacquie on 5 Jul 2017.
    • Photo: Jacquie Oliwa

      Jacquie Oliwa answered on 5 Jul 2017:

      Hi Belly,
      Mood swings during pregnancy may be because of stress, fatigue, and hormonal changes that affect levels of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain); all accomapanied by the broad range of feelings one may have about becoming a parent.

      Pregnancy can be a stressful and overwhelming time. Moods may oscillate from being overjoyed at the thought of having a baby, to wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into. There are worries about being a good mom, will the baby be healthy, the costs of raising a child, will you have help etc.

      The body changes may make a woman feel unattractive due to the weight gain; and physical symptoms of pregnancy, such as heartburn, fatigue, and frequent urination, can also be a burden. One can feel like they’ve lost control over their body and their life. All these concerns may take emotions on a roller coaster ride, and may explain the “bad moods” associated with being pregnant.

      Best wishes,
